Our programs

Smart Class Program

Our Smart Class Program provides government schools with Smart Class infrastructure, empowering teachers to integrate high-quality educational videos and personalized assessments into their daily lectures. With the support of local personnel, we engage key stakeholders, train teachers on utilizing the infrastructure effectively, and monitor the program's progress to ensure it positively impacts learning outcomes. Through detailed impact evaluation studies, we showcase the program's effectiveness through qualitative and quantitative findings from various stakeholders.

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Flipped-Class Program

Our Flipped-Class Program harnesses the power of improved Smartphone and Internet penetration in India, along with the National Education Policy's emphasis on tech-enabled learning. Through this program, we enable Govt. school students to consume high-quality educational videos and assessments. Valuable data-points captured from their interactions are shared with teachers, empowering them to enhance their lesson planning and in-class teaching. Through on-ground personnel, we ensure successful implementation and monitor the program's progress to drive improved learning outcomes.

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Blended Learning Program

Our Blended Learning Program integrates the strengths of our Smart Class Program and Flipped-Class Program. By equipping government schools with Smart Class infrastructure and providing online access to educational videos & assessments, we create a comprehensive learning experience for Govt. school students. Students benefit from interactive classroom instruction with educational videos and assessments, while also having the flexibility to access educational videos & assessments outside of school as well. This blended learning approach combines face-to-face teaching with the advantages of online learning, resulting in a holistic educational experience.

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Testimony of our programs

If you wish to understand the true value created by our programs, you need to check the qualitative and quantitative impact of our programs on learning outcomes and the feedback of key stakeholders across India.